
How Did World War Two Change The World

70 years ago, Victory in Europe Day marked the beginning of the end of World War II. May 8, 1945, too marked the birth of a new international system of norms and ideals, conceived to ensure peace, security and prosperity for all nations.

That order continues to serve global interests through a system of shared institutions and partnerships designed to prevent the atrocities and devastation of the state of war from ever happening once again.

As the war drew to a close, the Centrolineal powers agreed to found an international body that would be stronger than the ill-fated League of Nations, which failed to forestall the conflict. The charter that established the United Nations was the combined effort of 50 nations whose representatives met at the April 1945 San Francisco Briefing.

One outcome of World War II was the establishment of the United Nations. (© AP Images)
One effect of World War II was the establishment of the United Nations. (© AP Images)

With the end of European colonialism in sight, peculiarly in Africa and Asia, smaller nations were ensured a vocalization, and the United Nations assumed responsibleness to promote economical and social cooperation and the independence of formerly colonial peoples.

At the same time, economic organizations like the International Monetary Fund and the Full general Agreement on Tariffs and Merchandise (today's World Trade Arrangement) were created to help open up markets and avoid a worldwide depression, similar the one that helped set the phase for the state of war.

In the wake of the Holocaust and other horrific crimes, countries recognized the benefits of a world with established norms and shared values.

The Allies established the International Armed services Tribunal to prosecute crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity, culminating in the 1945–1946 Nuremberg trials. It was the forerunner to today's International Criminal Court. The shared dismay also helped to create the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human being Rights and the 1949 Geneva Conventions on protection of military machine and civilians during war.


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