
Can I Change League Of Legends Username

Most of the fourth dimension, the hardest office of starting out in a game comes from naming your character. Your in-game name (IGN) becomes a key part of your identity as the player behind the screen. It's no different in League of Legends. So if you messed upwardly when starting out it'southward important to know how to change your name in League of Legends.

When creating your LOL account, you are asked to come up with 2 names. The start i is your account name, which is used to log-in to the client, and the other is your Summoner Name, which is the proper noun displayed when you lot're in-game and on other thespian'southward friend lists.

Why Would I Want To Change My Proper name In League Of legends?

There are several reasons why someone would want to modify their name in LOL:

  1. Inappropriate proper noun – having an inappropriate proper name has its consequences. Riot Games is very strict on its humanitarian policies which protect the morality of the game against actor misconduct. Breaking this might get your account reported or even banned.
  2. Outgrown name – as you grow up yous might find more creative inspirations when naming your characters. Perhaps "DarkShadowSlayer999" isn't something you'd like your friends calling you so you get with something simpler and easier to say.
  3. Adding Details – for some people, including boosted details such every bit a team proper noun tag before their IGN, changing a few letters to make the proper name more than unique, or merely adding a few details is important in establishing a sense of identity.

How To Change Your Name In League Of Legends

Luckily for yous, changing your name in LOL is every bit piece of cake as buying a new champion. But start, let'south talk well-nigh the two options available to alter your summoner name.

  1. 1300 RP – Riot points are the premium currency in League of Legends purchased by exchanging real money.
  2. 13900 BE – Blue essence, unlike RP, is completely complimentary and requires that y'all've earned enough through playing the game.

At present that you know your options, you're ready to learn how to change your summoner name!

Related: LOL Name Checker

Summoner Name Modify Step-by-Footstep:

STEP 1: Log-in to your League of Legends and go to the Store which is the icon that looks like a stack of coins.

How To Change Your Name In League Of Legends

Footstep 2: Look for the business relationship button which is the gear button right abreast your summoner icon.

League Account Button

STEP 3: Click on the Summoner Name Alter ringlet and decide which currency you lot would similar to pay with.

Summoner Name Change Scroll

STEP 4: Input the name you've decided to use then ostend!

Change Summoner Name

That's information technology! Now you know how to change your name in League of Legends. You can do this every bit many times as you want provided that you accept enough Be or RP to pay for the name alter ringlet.

Too Read: Best Mouse For LOL

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Tin can I use the same name I have on another account?

Unfortunately, a summoner name has to exist unique even if you're the owner of the same proper noun. However, you can add numbers or accents to some letters in society to include a small alter while keeping your IGN as similar as possible.

  • What will happen if I used an inappropriate proper name?

Riot Games has strict policies confronting explicit content such equally profanity, insults, hate voice communication, and other forms of vulgar content. About of the time, your IGN will just be inverse automatically into a default preset. Although, if you insist on keeping the inappropriate name, there is a rare hazard to get banned.

  • Do I take to apply my real name for my account?

That is entirely up to you. It's not a requirement to use your real name in-game. However, some people adopt using their real name equally their IGN. On the other hand, it would be advisable not to utilise sensitive information to continue your personal or professional identity condom.

  • Which symbols can I include when naming my account?

You tin use the post-obit symbols when naming your account.

  1. Alphabet letters – you can use letters from your local alphabet depending on which server you are playing on.
  2. Numbers – all numbers from 0-nine are tin can be included.
  3. Accents – these are messages with lines, dashes, or dots on a alphabetic character. Examples are à, ç, é, ô, ń.
  4. Underscores and spaces – you can add an underscore or a space to separate parts of your IGN.
  • What is the best name for my account?

The all-time name for your account is the one you are most comfortable with. Recall of a proper noun that all-time describes you and how you desire to show off on the rift.

Not certain how to log out. Detect out how to log out of League of Legends.


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